Womb and Fertility Massage encourages blood circulation to the reproductive organs allowing fresh oxygenated blood and nutrients to nourish the ovaries, uterus, eggs and the lining.

The fertility massage works over the reproduction organs, digestive organs and the diaphragm. Releasing the tension from the diaphragm improves the ability to take deeper breaths allowing more oxygen to circulate. Blood flow is important for a smooth menstrual cycle, reducing pain and improving egg health. Womb massage eases muscular tension in the abdomen by breathing into the area of tension and using pulsing or other techniques to gently unwind the tightness.

Womb massage uses techniques to re-align the womb too its central, upright position which increases the chance of conception. All the abdominal organs are interconnected, a sluggish bowel can put pressure on the uterus creating stagnation and a tilted uterus can put pressure on the bladder exacerbating urinary urgency. When things are out of alignment, the flow of blood gets sluggish and can stagnate, which can lead to health conditions such as period pain and bloating. The massage works over the liver to assist in detoxifying excess hormones and toxins out of the body.

The uterus can become out of alignment due to previous surgeries, accidents or falls, lifting heavy items, and previous pregnancies. Re-aligning and nourishing the womb brings everything back into balance allowing women to reconnect with their body and provide a supportive environment for conceiving.

Supporting Natural Fertility

Fertility massage supports your menstrual cycle by balancing hormones, increasing blood circulation to your ovaries and uterus and gently allowing adhesions to unwind and let go. Adhesions can be formed from past traumas (emotional and physical), accidents, surgeries and from previous c-section scars. Fertility massage supports the womb by connecting the breath, heart and womb together. Womb and Fertility Massage encourages the womb to come back to its natural upright position by relaxing the ligaments, fascia and muscles in the pelvic region. Conception can occur easier if the womb is in a central position. All together, Womb and Fertility Massage supports a healthy menstrual cycle, improves blood circulation, balances hormones, supports egg quality and ovulation.

Connecting the womb, heart and breath with improved blood flow, a state of balance in the body is achieved calming the nervous system, reducing stress and tension held in the tissues allowing you to feel centred and more confident in yourself. This powerful connection allows you to honour yourself, your body and your womb for the gifts it provides of creativity, femininity and pregnancy.

Starting preconception care at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive is ideal, but this is not always a reality for many couples due to many circumstances. Fertility massage can support you during preconception by regulating your cycle, balancing hormones, reducing stress levels and addressing egg quality. There are many other therapies and treatments that can assist your fertility health including acupuncture, diet and lifestyle improvements, specific supplements and also speaking with your GP about baseline blood tests.

Womb and Fertility Massage can support you during an IVF cycle

During an IVF stimulation cycle, Womb and Fertility Massage is a beneficial therapy to support the follicle growth, nourish the endometrium lining for implantation, bloating, stress relief and addressing other symptoms that may arise. It is also important to make sure the womb is in its ideal alignment for a straightforward transfer. Womb Massage is also beneficial during a frozen embryo transfer cycle.

IVF can be overwhelming at times and can bring up an array of emotions. Womb and Fertility Massage can help process these emotions and provide a relaxing treatment and environment that is safe to express yourself in.  

Please speak to Heather in regard to the ideal timing for treatment based on your specific situation and treatment plan. Heather has worked with hundreds of IVF clients over the years in her acupuncture practice and is happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. She is also a great listener if you just need a safe place to release emotions.  

Please be aware that these benefits are based on possible outcomes of the therapy but are not guaranteed results for everyone. You will need to be under medical supervision as required for any fertility conditions and procedures.